Looking for Alibrandi

General Capabilities evident across the unit include Literacy, Numeracy, Information and communication technology capability, Critical and creative thinking, Personal and social capability, Ethical understanding, and Intercultural understanding.

The content in this unit of work links to the Australian Curriculum: English (Year 9). The use of a wide range of Australian Curriculum: English Content Descriptors for every activity and the two assessment tasks is a reflection of the interconnectedness of the three strands: Language, Literature and Literacy. It also accommodates a number of legitimate focuses or entry points for each activity, allowing teachers to emphasise what is most relevant for their students and contexts.

Language for interaction
Understand that roles and relationships are developed and challenged through language and interpersonal skills (ACELA1551) (EN5-5C)
Text structure and organisation Understand that authors innovate with text structures and language for specific purposes and effects (ACELA1553) (EN5-2A)
Understand how paragraphs and images can be arranged for different purposes, audiences, perspectives and stylistic effects
Expressing and developing ideas

Explain how authors creatively use the structures of sentences and clauses for particular effects (ACELA1557) (EN5-3B)

Analyse and explain the use of symbols, icons and myth in still and moving images and how these augment meaning (ACELA1560) (EN5-1A)

Identify how vocabulary choices contribute to specificity, abstraction and stylistic effectiveness (ACELA1561) (EN5-1A)

Literature and context
Interpret and compare how representations of people and culture in literary texts are drawn from different historical, social and cultural contexts (ACELT1633) (EN5-8D)
Responding to literature Explore and reflect on personal understanding of the world and significant human experience gained from interpreting various representations of life matters in texts (ACELT1635) (EN5-7D)
Examining literature

Analyse texts from familiar and unfamiliar contexts, and discuss and evaluate their content and the appeal of an individual author’s literary style (ACELT1636) (EN5-4B)

Analyse text structures and language features of literary texts, and make relevant comparisons with other texts (ACELT1772) (EN5-6C)

Analyse and evaluate text structures and language features of literary texts and make relevant thematic and intertextual connections with other texts (ACELT1774) (EN5-6C)

Texts in context
Analyse how the construction and interpretation of texts, including media texts, can be influenced by cultural perspectives and other texts (ACELY1739) (EN5-8D)
Interpreting, analysing, evaluating

Interpret, analyse and evaluate how different perspectives of issue, event, situation, individuals or groups are constructed to serve specific purposes in texts (ACELY1742) (EN5-2A)

Use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse texts, comparing and evaluating representations of an event, issue, situation or character in different texts (ACELY1744) (EN5-2A)

Explore and explain the combinations of language and visual choices that authors make to present information, opinions and perspectives in different texts (ACELY1745) (EN5-1A)

Identify and analyse implicit or explicit values, beliefs and assumptions in texts and how these are influenced by purposes and likely audiences (ACELY1752) (EN5-8D)

Choose a reading technique and reading path appropriate for the type of text, to retrieve and connect ideas within and between texts (ACELY1753) (EN5-6C)

Use comprehension strategies to compare and contrast information within and between texts, identifying and analysing embedded perspectives, and evaluating supporting evidence (ACELY1754) (EN5-2A)

Creating texts

Create sustained texts, including texts that combine specific digital or media content, for imaginative, informative, or persuasive purposes that reflect upon challenging and complex issues (ACELY1756) (EN5-1A)

Use a range of software, including word processing programs, confidently, flexibly and imaginatively to create, edit and publish texts, considering the identified purpose and the characteristics of the user (ACELY1776) (EN5-2A)


It should also be noted that a study of Looking for Alibrandi is featured within the Year 9 Work Samples Portfolios provided on the Australian Curriculum website: Satisfactory Year 9 Work Sample Portfolio.