
The content in this unit of work links to the Australian Curriculum: English Senior Secondary, Unit 1 and Unit 2.

General Capabilities evident across the unit include Literacy, Information and communication technology capability, Critical and creative thinking, Personal and social capability, and Ethical understanding.

Unit 1
Investigate the relationships between language, context and meaning by:
  • explaining how texts are created in and for different contexts (ACEEN001)
  • analysing how language choices are made for different purposes and in different contexts using appropriate metalanguage; for example, personification, voice-over, flashback, salience (ACEEN002)
  • evaluating the choice of mode and medium in shaping the response of audiences, including digital texts. (ACEEN003)
Examine similarities and differences between imaginative, persuasive and interpretive texts including:
  • explaining the ways language features, text structures and conventions communicate ideas and points of view (ACEEN004)
  • explaining the ways text structures, language features and stylistic choices are used in different types of texts (ACEEN005)
Analyse and evaluate how responses to texts, including students’ own responses, are influenced by:
  • purpose, taking into account that a text’s purpose is often open to debate (ACEEN008)
  • personal, social and cultural context (ACEEN009)
  • the use of imaginative, persuasive and interpretive techniques.(ACEEN010)
Create a range of texts:
  • using appropriate form, content, style and tone for different purposes and audiences in real and imagined contexts (ACEEN011)
  • drawing on a range of technologies in, for example, research, communication and representation of ideas (ACEEN012)
  • combining visual, spoken and written elements where appropriate (ACEEN013)
  • using evidence-based argument (ACEEN014)
  • using appropriate quotation and referencing protocols(ACEEN015)
  • using strategies for planning, drafting, editing and proofreading (ACEEN016)
  • using accurate spelling, punctuation, syntax and metalanguage. (ACEEN017)
Reflect on their own and others’ texts by:
  • analysing textual evidence to assess the purpose and context of texts (ACEEN018)
  • questioning responses to texts (ACEEN019)
  • investigating the impact and uses of imaginative, interpretive and persuasive texts. (ACEEN020)
Unit 2
Compare texts in a variety of contexts, mediums and modes by:
  • explaining the relationship between purpose and context (ACEEN021)
  • analysing the style and structure of texts including digital texts (ACEEN022)
  • evaluating similarities and differences between hybrid texts, for example, infotainment, product placement in movies, hypertext fiction. (ACEEN023)
Investigate the representation of ideas, attitudes and voices in texts including:
  • analysing the ways language features, text structures and stylistic choices shape points of view and influence audiences (ACEEN024)
  • analysing the effects of using multimodal and digital conventions such as navigation, sound and image (ACEEN026)
  • analysing how attitude and mood are created, for example, through the use of humour in satire and parody. (ACEEN027)
Analyse and evaluate how and why responses to texts vary through:
  • the impact of language and structural choices on shaping own and others’ perspectives (ACEEN028)
  • the ways ideas, attitudes and voices are represented, for example, how events are reported differently in the media (ACEEN029)
  • analysing changing responses to texts over time and in different cultural contexts. (ACEEN031)
Create a range of texts:
  • using imaginative, interpretive and persuasive elements for different purposes, contexts and audiences (ACEEN032)
  •  experimenting with text structures, language features and multimodal devices (ACEEN033)
  •  developing and sustaining voice, tone and style (ACEEN034)
  •  selecting and applying appropriate textual evidence to support arguments (ACEEN035)
  •  using strategies for planning, drafting, editing and proofreading (ACEEN036)
  • using accurate spelling, punctuation, syntax and metalanguage. (ACEEN037)
 Reflect on their own and others’ texts by:
  •  analysing the values and attitudes expressed in texts (ACEEN038)
  • evaluating the effectiveness of texts in representing ideas, attitudes and voices (ACEEN039)
  • explaining how and why texts position readers and viewers. (ACEEN040)

Source for content descriptions above: Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).