
The content in this unit of work links to the Australian Curriculum: English Senior Secondary, Unit 3 and Unit 4.

General Capabilities evident across the unit include Literacy, Information and communication technology capability, Critical and creative thinking, Personal and social capability, Ethical understanding.

Unit 3
Compare texts from similar or different genres and contexts by:
  • analysing language, structural and stylistic choices (ACEEN041)
  • explaining how each text conforms to or challenges the conventions of particular genres or modes such as crime fiction, advertising or short films (ACEEN042)
  • analysing and evaluating how similar themes, ideas or concepts are treated in different texts. (ACEEN043)
Compare and contrast distinctive features of genres by:
  • analysing the techniques and conventions used in different genres, mediums and modes (ACEEN044)
Analyse and evaluate how the conventions of texts influence responses including:
  • the ways language patterns can create shades of meaning (ACEEN047)
  • how expectations of genres have developed and the effect when those expectations are met or not met, extended or subverted (ACEEN048)
  • how responses to texts and genres may change over time and in different cultural contexts. (ACEEN049)
Create a range of texts:
  • transforming and adapting texts for different purposes, contexts and audiences (ACEEN050)
  • making innovative and imaginative use of language features (ACEEN051)
  • using and experimenting with text structures and language features related to specific genres for particular effects (ACEEN052)
  • sustaining analysis and argument (ACEEN053)
  • using strategies for planning, drafting, editing and proofreading (ACEEN055)
  • using accurate spelling, punctuation, syntax and metalanguage. (ACEEN056)
Reflect on their own and others’ texts by:
  • analysing and evaluating how different texts represent similar ideas in different ways (ACEEN057)
Unit 4
Investigate and evaluate the relationships between texts and contexts by:
  • undertaking close analysis of texts (ACEENO60)
  • examining how each text relates to a particular context or contexts (ACEEN061)
Evaluate different perspectives, attitudes and values represented in texts by:
  • analysing content, purpose and choice of language (ACEEN063)
  • analysing the use of voice and point of view such as in feature articles, reporting of current events or narration (ACEEN064)
  • exploring other interpretations and aspects of context to develop a considered response (ACEEN065)
Evaluate how texts convey perspectives through:
  • the ways points of view and values are represented (ACEEN067)
  • the selection of language features that generate empathy or controversy, for example, juxtaposition of image and text. (ACEEN068)
Create a range of texts:
  • using appropriate language and stylistic features to sustain a personal voice and point of view (ACEEN069)
  • using nuanced language (ACEEN070)
  • synthesising ideas and opinions to develop complex argument (ACEEN071)
  • substantiating and justifying their own responses using textual evidence (ACEEN072)
  • using appropriate referencing, for example, footnotes, in-line citations and reference lists (ACEEN073)
  • using strategies for planning, drafting, editing and proofreading (ACEEN074)
  • using accurate spelling, punctuation, syntax and metalanguage (ACEEN075)
Reflect on their own and others’ texts by:
  • analysing and evaluating how different attitudes and perspectives underpin texts (ACEEN076)
  • questioning the assumptions and values in texts (ACEEN077)
  • identifying omissions, inclusions, emphases and marginalisations (ACEEN078)
  • discussing and evaluating different readings of texts (ACEEN079)

Source for content descriptions above: Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).