THE GARRET: Andy and jill griffiths

General Capabilities evident throughout the unit include Literacy and Critical and Creative Thinking.

The content in this unit of work links to the Australian Curriculum: Senior Secondary English (Unit 1)

Investigate the relationships between language, context and meaning by:
  • explaining how texts are created in and for different contexts (ACEEN001)
  • analysing how language choices are made for different purposes and in different contexts using appropriate metalanguage; for example, personification, voice-over, flashback, salience (ACEEN002)
Examine similarities and differences between imaginative, persuasive and interpretive texts including:
  • explaining the ways text structures, language features and stylistic choices are used in different types of texts (ACEEN005)
Analyse and evaluate how responses to texts, including students’ own responses, are influenced by:
  • personal, social and cultural context (ACEEN009)
Create a range of texts:
  • using appropriate form, content, style and tone for different purposes and audiences in real and imagined contexts (ACEEN011)
Reflect on their own and others’ texts by:
  • analysing textual evidence to assess the purpose and context of texts (ACEEN018)