A story about bouncing forward when faced with adversity, and about making creative choices in the …
Teacher ResourceA story about bouncing forward when faced with adversity, and about making creative choices in the …
Teacher ResourceErrol and his teddy, Thomas, are best friends who do everything together. Whether it's riding a bike…
Teacher ResourceA joyful story about moving house and embracing change from a much-loved, award-winning team. A…
Teacher ResourceAlice wishes she had someone her own size to talk to. Then one day her wish comes true. Through …
Teacher ResourceA coming of age story about four boys and their lot in life. Recounted through storytelling sessions…
Teacher ResourceClaire G. Coleman is a Wirlomin Noongar woman whose ancestral Country is in South Coast Western…
Teacher ResourceJane Harrison, a descendant of the Muruwari people of NSW, is a playwright, novelist, and the …
Teacher ResourceA.J. Betts' novel Zac and Mia won the 2012 Text Prize and the 2014 Ethel Turner Prize for …
Teacher ResourceLarissa Behrendt, a Eualeyai and Kamillaroi woman, is a writer, lawyer and academic. This …
Teacher ResourceLeah Purcell, a proud Goa, Gunggari, Wakka Wakka Murri woman, is a multi-award-winning author, …
Teacher Resource