NOTE: Finding François deals with grief and the death of a family member, which may be a sensitive topic for some students. Consider your class context, ensuring that you create a safe space for discussion and adjust any activities as required.
Connecting to prior knowledge
Before reading
Through a think-pair-share discussion, ask students to consider the following ideas from the text:
- Who is in your family?
- Who do you live with?
- What do you enjoy doing together?
- Who are your friends?
- What do you have in common?
- What makes you different?
- How do you keep in touch and communicate with your friends and family?
Show students the front cover of Finding François and highlight a few of the details. We can see the name ‘Alice’ written on a piece of paper. Ask:
Might this be Alice on the cover? What do you think she enjoys doing?
Ask students if they have heard the name ‘François’ and if they can guess its origin (French). Get them to think-pair-share to discuss:
Who might François be? Why does he need to be found?
Also ask if there are any clues as to where Alice might be.
Notice and activate some understanding around the message in the bottle. Ask students if they have heard of or seen this idea before (and, if so, where). Ask:
Who might send a message in a bottle and why?
Read Finding François to the class. For this first read-aloud, simply allow students to follow along and enjoy the story.
After reading
NOTE: For the purpose of tracking page numbers, the first page of the story is considered p. 1.
Revisit your initial questions about Finding François and discuss any new thoughts or ideas that students may have had.
Draw attention to the ways in which Alice greets her friends, such as saying ‘hello’ in her letters to François, or speaking French to the children playing hopscotch (her question on p. 36 translates to ‘can I play with you?’). Ask students how they greet their own friends and if they know any greetings in another language. This could be the language(s) they speak at home. Also share a greeting in the local language of the Country on which you are teaching.
You might have students stand in a circle and take turns sharing a greeting, so that the rest of the class can repeat what they have heard.
Exploring the text in context of our community, school and ‘me’
Re-read Finding François. Ask students to recall some details from the text:
- What is the main (female) character’s name?
- Who does she live with? Who is in her family? How does this change throughout the book?
- What does she like doing with her family?
- Where does she live?
- What does she like doing? Name at least three things.
Record their ideas on the board.
Ask again if anyone recognises where Alice is. Students may have noticed the stores with French names; someone might guess that it is Paris. Confirm this by showing them the illustration on p. 30 with the Eiffel Tower in the background. You may like to show them some images of Paris.
Through a think-pair-share discussion, ask students to consider why Alice wanted to send a message. Ask them:
What makes us want to communicate with other people and make new friends?
You may wish to take some time to further explore the idea of messages in bottles; ABC’s Behind the News has a useful video. Also discuss the ways we communicate with new and old friends and how this has changed over time.
Model writing a letter that Alice might use to introduce herself, her family, her home and her interests. Include an appropriate greeting and farewell, and finish by asking a question OR politely inviting the recipient to respond. You should also model how to list Alice’s interests using appropriate punctuation (commas) and conjunctions.
For example:
My name is Alice and I live with my Grandmother in Paris.
I enjoy …
Please write back and tell me about yourself.
Now ask students to recall the same details about François. They will work in pairs to write his response to Alice’s letter.
Rich assessment task
Working independently, students are to write a letter introducing themselves, their family and their interests to a new friend. On this occasion, they can handwrite the letter (talk about how this is often considered more personal). They should end by asking a question OR encouraging their friend to write back. They should also use an appropriate greeting/farewell and correct punctuation in listing their interests.
These letters could be displayed on a classroom wall or sent to a student in another class or school – perhaps even in the form of a message in a bottle!