Introductory activities
Class discussion and activities prior to reading the text:
- Ask the students to consider the meaning and the context of the following quotes:
- ‘You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.’ Brigham Young
- ‘When a man gives his opinion, he’s a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she’s a bitch.’ Bette Davis
- ‘I’m tough, I’m ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay.’ Madonna
- ‘A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.’ Gloria Steinem
- ‘I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat.’ Rebecca West
- ‘Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings.’ Cheris Kramarae
- ‘Men are from Earth. Women are from Earth. Deal with it.’ George Carlin
- ‘Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.’ Margaret Atwood
- ‘To terrify children with images of hell, to consider women as an inferior creation – is that good for the world?’ Christopher Hitchens
- ‘Barefoot and pregnant’ is a common figure of speech. What does it mean/refer to?
- What does the term ‘Feminism’ mean? (Find a dictionary definition as well as outlining your own cultural understanding of the term.)
- Would you ever conceive of calling yourself a feminist? The Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, used this term to describe himself. He also called on men and women to embrace feminism. Why do you think he did this?
- Who was Emmeline Pankhurst and what is she remembered for?
- Class to watch the 2015 film, Suffragette. Following the viewing, the teacher could lead a class discussion using the questions below – as well as any other interests that arise from the film.
- Who were the suffragettes and what did they want?
- Who/what was against them, and why?
- Why is this time/movement now known as ‘First Wave Feminism’?
- What were the issues that forced the young heroine to become an activist?
- What was the price she had to pay for her role in the movement?
- What were the means of protest used by the women?
- What were the immediate results and the lasting legacy of their action?
Research topics
Numbers 1–5 below could be done as small group work or set as homework – in either case, students report their findings back to the class for the benefit of all. The economic theory activity (number 6) should be done in class time as an expository talk (although prior knowledge could be built on to begin) and then a brief YouTube viewing followed by teacher-led discussion.
- Which was the first country in the world to allow women to vote and when?
- When did women get the vote in Australia? UK? USA? Saudi Arabia?
- Australian abortion laws and practice.
- Domestic violence in Australia? Statistics, funding of Women’s Shelters and role of Rosie Batty?
- Ratio of male/female CEOs in Australia, and the ratio of female to male politicians in federal government in Australia, Rwanda, Sweden, Iran and Zimbabwe.
- The teacher could give a brief explanation of Communism, Marxism and Capitalism as economic systems. Since the 1970s Greer has described herself as an anarchist or Marxist. She critiques both men and women’s roles under the current Western Capitalist system. Students should watch the YouTube clip of The Pursuit of HappYness: Best Scenes. This could be followed by a class discussion about haves/have nots under the present neo-capitalist system; the idea of the noble striving of the individual (American Dream); racism in America and Australia; similarities between racism and sexism; similarities between Australia and America in general and the pros and cons of Capitalism and Communism as systems for running countries.
Personal response on reading the text
Class discussion about the look of the book:
- The graphic on the front depicts a human torso hanging off a rod. What could this signify?
- Look up some common definitions of the word ‘eunuch’. Any suggestions as to why Germaine Greer may have chosen to use this word?
- In the blurb on the back, this book is described as a ‘masterpiece of polemic’. What does the word ‘polemic’ mean?
- It is claimed that this book changed lives. Without reading it, how do you think a text about women’s issues could change lives?
Divide the class in half. In pairs, groups from one half of the class to discuss, briefly research and report back on Concepts. Likewise, the other half of the class to report on People.
Concepts: patriarchy, liberation, lesbianism, phallocentricity, stereotype, feminine/masculine, social construct, enculturation, misogyny
People: Mary Wollstonecraft, Simone de Beauvoir, Betty Friedan, Virginia Woolf, Gloria Steinem, Sigmund Freud, Anne Summers, Juliet Mitchell
NB: The Female Eunuch was first published in 1970. It is dated. However, some aspects of it are now more pertinent than ever. This unit will attempt to hone in on what current feminist thinking can take from the original text (including the current thinking of Germaine Greer). The ‘Foreword to the Paladin 21st Anniversary Edition’ (first published in 1991), the ‘Summary’ and the essays at the back of the book: ‘The New C-Word’ by Elizabeth Wurtzel, ‘The Female Eunuch in Feminist History’ by Louise Tucker, will also be used, as well as the basic body of the main text, as found in the 2012 edition.
Suggested order for reading:
- ‘Feminism’s Real Madonna’ by Louise Tucker – back section of book (pp. 2–6)
- ‘Foreword to the Paladin 21st Anniversary Edition’ (pp. 9–12)
- ‘Summary’ (pp. 13–26)
- ‘The Female Eunuch in Feminist History’ by Louise Tucker – back section of book (pp. 15–21)
- ‘The New C-Word’ by Elizabeth Wurtzel – back section (pp. 7–13)
- Original text – with guidance as to which are the most important chapters for today’s readers.
Reading the text
- Individually, students read ‘Feminism’s Real Madonna’ to give them some insight into Germaine Greer as the author and as an enduring and sometimes controversial figure.
- As a class, read the dedication at the front of the book. Who are these women that this book is dedicated to? Why is it dedicated to them?
- Look at the order of contents: Body, Soul, Love, Hate, Revolution – with sub chapters within each. Is there a rationale or a logic to this which students can guess at?
- Read ‘Foreword to the Paladin 21st Anniversary Edition’ together as a class. Allocate small groups to present short addresses to the class on what they think each of the following concepts mean:
1. What is the ‘Freedom’ that women still want?
2. How did the end of communism affect women?
3. Explain the last paragraph from, ‘You can now see the female Eunuch the world over’ to ‘You can find her triumphant even under the veil’.
4. How could this 1970 text be valid today given all the ‘new breeds of women’ upon the earth’ (p. 9)?
Note to the teacher – this is an important chapter and needs to be studied in detail as it sets out the main arguments and concepts of the text. Within the Close Study of this unit, only those chapters deemed to have relevance to the themes will be alluded to. There is not enough scope in one unit for the entire polemic.
After reading the ‘Summary’, students to complete the True/False worksheet (PDF, 103KB). Class discussion on responses.
‘The Female Eunuch in Feminist History’
Students to read this and construct a power point presentation outlining the history of feminism as it has played out from the late eighteenth century (Mary Wollstonecraft) to the present (some might call it post-feminist) phase.
Reasons why The Female Eunuch is still relevant.
Louise Tucker ends ‘The Female Eunuch in Feminist History’ with these words: ‘The Female Eunuch might seem anachronistic. But since her argument ends with the request for everyone, both men and women, to fight for freedom from rampant consumerism, to ‘struggle to maintain co-operation and the matriarchal principle of fraternity’, to revolt against war and slave-like working conditions, it is just as relevant as ever.’ To this, Elizabeth Wurtzel adds further arguments in ‘The New C-Word’. These are listed below and students could be asked to explain in class discussion how these points reinforce the continuing relevance of some of Germaine Greer’s arguments in The Female Eunuch.
- Pornography is more popular than ever.
- Sex becomes more and more mechanical.
- More and more women (in the wealthy West) are choosing to stay at home as housewives instead of contributing to society.
- Abortion on demand is under threat all over the world.
- Women are increasingly seen as ‘silly sex objects’.
- Misogyny is rampant.
- Women are still being left behind.
Synthesising task/activity
Choose any of the research issues discussed in the Introductory Activities and prepare a ten minute talk for International Women’s Day to give at your school assembly. Highlight the importance of your chosen topic to these students as they progress through school and go out into the world. Your topic could be of historical interest, of present day interest or used as a warning for the future.
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