Outline of the key elements of the text
Plot and the social and political context of The Red Shoe
The novel commences with an introduction that serves two purposes: one is to familiarise the reader with the Hans Christian Anderson fairytale The Red Shoes, and the other is to allow the reader to learn something of two of the key characters, sisters Matilda, aged six, and Frances, aged eleven. In the opening chapters we also meet the oldest sister, Elizabeth, who at fifteen is experiencing a ‘mental breakdown’. Matilda has an unconventional invisible friend who escapes from the wireless. Also in the home is their mother, with the occasional presence of her husband and his brother Paul.
The action of the novel occurs between 11 and 20 April 1954 in the bush behind Palm Beach, a Sydney suburb, and some of the memories are of The Basin, a popular swimming and picnic spot in the 1950s. Although the novel represents ten days of the characters’ lives, it does seem to cover a much greater time span due to flashbacks as the characters struggle to make sense of their world.
The novel is divided into twenty-three chapters and in the intervals between several of these chapters, Dubosarsky reproduces newspaper articles that capture key historical events of the day: the Cold War and the fear of Communism, the Petrov Affair, fear of the Hydrogen Bomb, polio outbreaks and other miscellaneous reports from the ‘tragic story of a Man-woman’ to a day at the Royal Sydney Easter Show.
Of particular significance to understanding the novel is knowledge of the Petrov Affair, a major political story of the era. Vladimir Petrov was in Australia when he contacted ASIO offering to provide evidence of Russian espionage in Australia in return for the government granting him political asylum. The Australian Government agreed and Petrov had to be hidden away from the press and from any Russian interference. Further dramatic events played out as his wife, Evdokia Petrov, was being escorted back to Russia by Russian officers. Last minute interventions by Prime Minister Robert Menzies ensured her asylum in Australia with her husband, protecting her from the likelihood of punishment on her return to Russia. This history merges with fiction in The Red Shoe with Petrov and his minders moving in next door to Matilda and her family. A range of resources are included in this unit to support teacher and student understanding of this era and its significance in Australian history, but more particularly the impact of the times on the Sydney family at the centre of the novel.
The story and power of the novel are developed through the intersection of:
- the newspaper clippings
- the reality of events over the ten days when the defecting Russian, Petrov, moves in next door
- dislocation and drama within the family
- the emergence and growing clarity of memories that haunt Matilda and Elizabeth as they build their understanding of dramatic events that haunt and threaten their family.
The family:
- Matilda, six; Frances, eleven; and Elizabeth, fifteen
- their mother
- their father, a sailor who is suffering from the psychological effects of war and is often away from home
- Uncle Paul (the father’s brother) who spends a great deal of time with the family.
- Floreal: Matilda’s tiny invisible friend, aged twenty-two, who has a more adult perspective and ‘pesters’ Matilda with knowledge and advice she does not want to hear
- the ‘crazy old man’ next door
- the men who are living in the house next door, who give the children a ride to school one day in their car
- Mark, a school friend of Frances’s, who disappears with polio
- Mark’s mother
- Yvonne, the mother’s friend who we never meet.
Introductory activities
Before commencing the novel study, it will be necessary to establish context for Year 10s by revisiting an era of Australian history they may associate with their grandparents rather than themselves. For this reason, it may be necessary to make connections for them and focus on how they are a product of their own life history: whether that history includes battling a serious illness, moving countries, falling in love, overcoming a fear, learning to do something difficult, winning $1 000 000, negotiating how to live with siblings or with parents, winning the Australian underwater bowling championship, dealing with allergies or overcoming profound grief or loss.
Just as our own narratives are constructed with significant events and turning points, so too are the lives around us and the lives that preceded ours. For those new to Australia, there may be dramatic stories from their homelands as well as significant stories of resettlement. For those whose families have been in Australia for one or more generations, there will be intersections with significant national moments of Australian history. Sometimes the disruption of our own lives is a mirror of our country’s or local community’s, so if there are dramatic floods, droughts, bushfires, war or famine, then our family’s lives may be similarly disrupted.
In The Red Shoe we go back in time but the same truth exists – domestic lives are affected by the politics and wider social movements of the time. These are some of the events students may have heard of that affected people’s everyday lives in Australia, particularly for people born in the:
- 1920s and 30s: everyone knew someone killed in World War II; petrol and food were rationed and women became employed in the war effort; electricity had a major impact
- people born in the 1940s and 50s: the Vietnam War and the spread of protests against Australia’s involvement; introduction of the television, computer or microwave; the Cold War and the Petrov Affair
- 1960s and 70s: a government initiative to make kids drink milk at recess everyday; devastating bushfires in South Australia and Victoria; black and white computer screens; first internet and email exchanges; free university education and then the change to a fee-paying system; the first moon landing; the disappearance of Prime Minister Harold Holt while swimming at a beach
- 1980s and 90s: September 11 attacks in the United States; the proliferation of computer games and games consoles; using MSN for messaging and the introduction of text messaging and Facebook; the modern 3D movie; the Tampa incident; the increasing restrictions on smoking in public places.
Of course, when talking with older people, students might not mention any of these things, and instead they might talk about if change in the nation or the country of their origin had an impact on their daily lives. They might talk about the Stolen Generation, the White Australia Policy or forced adoptions for the children of young mothers. There have also been periods of great drought, and economic hardships such as the great depression or recessions, such as the early 1990s when the rate of unemployment was nearly 11%. In addition there have been ongoing debates and division in regard to asylum seeking and refugee policies; climate change; gay marriage and rights; euthanasia; and other issues. Students should also be advised, or may know from their own experience, that it may be too painful to revisit the past and talk about it, and this should also be respected.
Activity 1 (pre-reading): Where were you when . . .?
Building on this notion of the impact of history on individual and family life, this first activity is designed to engage students in the discussion of historical moments and literature, and lead into the study of The Red Shoe.
Teachers could share their own memories of important historical moments and where they were when they first heard:
- the Crocodile Hunter had died
- the Twin Towers were hit
- Kevin Rudd’s Apology Speech
- the Whitlam government had been dismissed
- Cathy Freeman had won Gold at the Olympic Games
- Indonesia had been devastated by the tsunami
- other significant memories.
The idea is to consider how much our lives and perceptions of our world and selves are affected by larger national and international events and news. Why have those memories lingered, and why are they important?
Step 1:
Following this introduction and discussion, students will do some brief online research and talk with family and friends to consider a significant event of interest to them that has occurred during their lifetime. If nothing springs to mind, they might like to research something that happened during their year of birth or during childhood at around age six (Matilda’s age in The Red Shoe). The choice of event or movement is very important because it should engender a personal interest for the student, and it serves as preliminary work for the second assessment task near the end of this unit. At this point, introduce students to Rich assessment task 1 (PDF, 78KB).
These links will help students select key events:
- this Australian History Timeline site is an excellent place to start
- Wikipedia for the year of birth (e.g.: 2001)
- Australian news archives: this ABC historical timeline includes key historical moments as identified by readers of the ABC site
- teachers may wish for students to explore social timelines, such as a history of themost popular television programs in Australia (including 1954).
Step 2:
Whether working in groups or as individuals, students should report on their research in an informal way, remembering that the formal reporting takes place in Rich assessment task 1. At this stage, students should have collected the following basics:
- brief overview of the event – when, where, who, why, what happened, results or impact if known
- a collection of at least three photographs depicting the event
- archival news articles or YouTube videos.
The activity reinforces the significance of historical events and research in the creative development of narratives for novels and other forms of literature (including film).
(ACELT1639) (ACELY1749) (ACELY1752) (ACELY1753) (ACELY1754) (EN5-8D) (EN5-6C) (EN5-2A)
Activity 2 (pre-reading): Reds under the bed, the Cold War, the Petrov Affair and polio
Before teachers can use the text, or students study it, everyone needs an orientation to the historical basis of the novel. The following resources may be useful for teachers, or for selected viewing in class, or group work. Please review and select what will be most effective for your context and students:
The Red Shoe (as a fairytale and other literary forms including this novel)
- the fairytale
- a play based on the novel
- an interview with Ursula Dubosarsky – the first section relates to the origins of the book and her research.
The Cold War
- a ten minute video exploration of the Cold War for novices, including archival footage and images
- a ten minute video explanation of the Cold War by popular author John Green.
The Petrov Affair
- digitised documents and images relating to the Petrov Affair and the Royal Commision into Espionage
- The Safe House – a 2006 animation that serves as an excellent introduction to the Petrov Affair and The Red Shoe. The Study Guide for this animation may also be useful.
- Stories of Polio – a three minute video
- polio and vulnerable children in Syria – a web article.
At the conclusion of group or individual viewing or research, it may be productive to report back or create some graphics for display in the classroom to support recall of important details. Alternatively, students could compose a written response describing what they have learned and their expectations of the novel, or construct a class blog, wiki or discussion board.
(ACELT1641) (ACELT1812) (ACELY1752) (ACELY1753) (ACELY1754) (ACELY1751) (ACELY1756) (EN5-3B) (EN5-7D) (EN5-8D) (EN5-6C) (EN5-2A) (EN5-1A)
Activity 3: The Red Shoes (read aloud)
The activities above not only engage students in important literacy activities but also set them up to engage with a historical Australian novel.
Read aloud the opening pages of The Red Shoe, which depict two of the key characters – young girls -sharing a fairytale. This is Hans Christian Anderson’s story of The Red Shoesthat has inspired many versions including plays, novels, films and ballet. Advise students that the fairytale is not so much a childish device, but rather is used to foreshadow some of the complexities and darkness of the novel ahead. It may be worth returning to the fairytale at the end of this study to assess how effective it has been for the students as a bridge to the novel. For example, what connections and resonance can they find? Or is it satisfactory/unsatisfactory for them as an introduction? What would be lost from the novel if the introductory fairytale vanished?
(ACELT1639) (ACELT1640) (ACELT1641) (ACELT1812) (ACELT1642) (ACELY1752) (ACELY1754) (EN5-8D) (EN5-5C) (EN5-3B) (EN5-7D) (EN5-2A) (EN5-8D)
Activity 4: The Red Shoe and reds under the bed (read aloud)
Continue on with reading aloud, or project the newspaper clippings from the book relating to Saturday 10 April 1954 and Chapter 1 onto a screen.
The news articles and Chapter 1 are short and may provide the most reluctant readers with the support and impetus to continue to read ahead alone. All of the key characters are introduced in Chapter 1, as is the context of the story. Teachers may also find the Summary of narrative perspectives table used in Activity 5 useful in generating observations and discussion.
At Year 10 level, it would be reasonable to expect that all students, other than those with special programs, would read the novel independently.
(ACELT1639) (ACELT1640) (ACELT1641) (ACELT1812) (ACELT1642) (ACELY1752) (ACELY1754) (EN5-8D) (EN5-5C) (EN5-3B) (EN5-7D) (EN5-2A) (EN5-8D)
Optional activity: Class/Community living year book – 1954
This is suggested as an optional assessment. While it can be very worthwhile, it demands lead time and community collaboration. There may be opportunities to tie in with other school activities, the development of Civics and Citizenship, or integration with community engagement initiatives.
This is an interactive assessment task and involves students locating a number of men and women, from about sixty years of age and older, who have memories of growing up in the 1950s. These individuals might not remember the details of the Petrov Affair but it is important to find people who remember family life, games, school life and public issues such as polio outbreaks and other events of significance in their local area. Perhaps they remember someone getting lost, getting the electricity connected, buying the family’s first television and so on. These guests are the ‘living year books’ students will engage with in their research of the 1950s.
The purpose of the task is to fuel inter-generational conversation of approximately 20-30 minutes between a ‘living year book’ and a pair or small group of students, and to enable young people to learn more about the lives of those people who grew up during the era depicted in The Red Shoe. It might be interesting to see if country/city experiences, male/female, Australian or immigrant experiences are vastly different and/or similar and why.
Step 1:
The class should construct an invitation to a number of individuals to be part of the living year book event, or approach the local council who often have large volunteer groups who may wish to participate. Perhaps school newsletter notices to grandparents, or an email to the local Probus group or similar community groups would be productive.
Step 2:
Students should generate questions for the ‘living year books’ about their memories of life in 1954 – including school, play, family, politics, new inventions, etiquette, industry, religion and so on and be prepared to record notes, audio or video with written permission from the interviewees. Provide the list of questions to the living year book participants before the event so they can prepare. Ask them to bring along photos or artefacts they have from the time.
Step 3:
Students will interview the living year book participants, recording the event if appropriate. Depending on school and volunteer needs, this activity could be held in the school or local library. Local councils generally welcome and support such activity – and don’t forget to invite the local press.
Step 4:
Students share their insights and produce an article for the school newsletter or year book; or a webisode or digital presentation for the school website, summarising their findings. Students should also provide a copy of any product and a thank you note to all living year book participants. Alternatively, the ‘living year books’ might be invited back in to the school or local library for reporting back on all that was learned. A 1950s themed morning tea might also be a nice thank you gift for students and participants.
No formal assessment or rubric has been provided for this activity because it is very fluid depending on context, students and living year book participants. Teachers will have their own ideas and priorities in this regard, though AC Content Descriptions addressed include the following:
(ACELA1564) (ACELA1565) (ACELA1571) (ACELY1749) (ACELY1813) (ACELY1751) (ACELY1754) (EN5-5C) (EN5-7D) (EN5-3B) (EN5-8D) (EN5-2A)