Resources needed to teach this unit

  • Basic craft supplies (scissors, glue, coloured pencils)
  • White A4 paper
  • Brown paper bags
  • Newspapers
  • Post-its
  • Internet
  • The Treasure Box by Margaret Wild and Freya Blackwood


Connecting to prior knowledge

Using the questions below as a stimulus, facilitate a class discussion with students with the aim of foregrounding some key ideas in the text:

    • Why do you think people fight with each other?
    • What happens if the fighting gets very bad?
    • What do you know about war?
    • From where did you learn that information about war?
    • Where would we find books about war?
    • What are some sad things that happen because of war?
    • Do you think that a library would be a likely place to attack in a war? Why/why not?
      (ACELA1462)   (EN1-7B)

Take students to the school library on a ‘special quest’ for some inquiry learning. Students have to explore the library, seeing how many different types of books they can find (e-books, picture books, novels, joke books, non-fiction, poetry anthologies etc) and consider how each type of book has a different purpose. Is there a war section, and what sorts of books are present in that section? What do their front covers look like? How many books can be found that were written in wartime, or about war? Present students with the scenario that if they could only take one book from this library before it was about to burn down, what would it be and why? Have students find such a book and justify their choices amongst their peers. Will anyone change their ‘one book’ as a result of this activity? Finally, have students reflect on why it is important that books are kept for future generations.
(ACELA1466)   (EN1-8B)


Exploring the text in context of our community, school and ‘me’

  • Present students with the scenario that they will be stranded on a desert island, and can only take one treasure from home with them. Students are to consider what that possession would be and why. Share these with a partner and then in a circle. Is this the choice that a family would make also? Why/why not? Would the class make a different choice?
    (ACELY1667)   (EN1-1A)
  • Students are to informally interview their grandparents/an elderly person and ask them to share a story from their childhood. Did they have a special thing they treasured growing up? Stories can be shared between students and as a wider class. What are some similarities about the stories told? And similarities in the treasures?
    (ACELA1470)   (EN1-2A)
  • Have students view the front cover of The Treasure Box and predict what the story will be about. Students can write down their thoughts in dot points and display them around the room to be referred back to at the end of the unit. In particular, have students identify the treasure box on the cover and consider what might be in it. Look at the tree on the cover. What season is it in/what words would you use to describe it? Have students discuss what a treasure box is and why they are used.
    (ACELY1670)   (EN1-11D)


Rich assessment task

Students are given the opening line of a story: “Peter opened the treasure box and found…” Students are to complete the opening of this story, which needs to introduce the character of Peter and what he finds in his treasure box. Students should aim to display creativity in their planning and writing with some intentional vocabulary choices regarding the character of Peter and his discovery. Students can peer-to-peer review their work and then brainstorm as a wider class all the different things that Peter found from the variety of student stories. Also consider the differences in character that are communicated. Students could also act out their stories through play performance once a draft has been written.
(ACELY1672)   (EN1-5A)