Australian Curriculum Version 9.0

Text structure and organisationExplore how repetition, rhyme and rhythm create cohesion in simple poems, chants and songs (AC9E1LA04)
Language for expressing and developing ideasUnderstand that words can represent people, places and things (nouns, including pronouns), happenings and states (verbs), qualities (adjectives) and details such as when, where and how (adverbs) (AC9E1LA07)

Compare how images in different types of texts contribute to meaning (AC9E1LA08)

Recognise the vocabulary of learning area topics (AC9E1LA09)
Literature and contextsDiscuss how language and images are used to create characters, setting and events in literature by First Nations Australian, and wide-ranging Australian and world authors and illustrators (AC9E1LE01)
Engaging with and responding to literatureDiscuss literary texts and share responses by making connections with students’ own experiences (AC9E1LE02)
Examining literatureDiscuss plot, character and setting, which are features of stories (AC9E1LE03)
Creating literatureOrally retell or adapt a familiar story using plot and characters, language features including vocabulary, and structure of a familiar text, through role-play, writing, drawing or digital tools (AC9E1LE05)
Interacting with othersUse interaction skills including turn-taking, speaking clearly, using active listening behaviours and responding to the contributions of others, and contributing ideas and questions (AC9E1LY02)
Analysing, interpreting and evaluatingUse comprehension strategies such as visualising, predicting, connecting, summarising and questioning when listening, viewing and reading to build literal and inferred meaning by drawing on vocabulary and growing knowledge of context and text structures (AC9E1LY05)
Creating textsCreate and re-read to edit short written and/or multimodal texts to report on a topic, express an option or recount a real or imagined event, using grammatically correct simple sentences, some topic-specific vocabulary, sentence boundary punctuation and correct spelling of some one- and two-syllable words (AC9E1LY06)

© Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) 2010 to present, unless otherwise indicated. This material was downloaded from the Australian Curriculum website ( (accessed 16 January 2024) and was not modified. The material is licensed under CC BY 4.0 ( Version updates are tracked in the ‘Version history’ section ( of the Australian Curriculum website.

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