Year 10 (English)

Language for interactionUnderstand that people’s evaluations of texts are influenced by their value systems, the context and the purpose and mode of communication (ACELA1565)
Text structure and organisationCompare the purposes, text structures and language features of traditional and contemporary texts in different media (ACELA1566)

Understand how paragraphs and images can be arranged for different purposes, audiences, perspectives and stylistic effects (ACELA1567)
Literature and contextCompare and evaluate a range of representations of individuals and groups in different historical, social and cultural contexts (ACELT1639)
Responding to literatureReflect on, extend, endorse or refute others’ interpretations of and responses to literature (ACELT1640)

Analyse and explain how text structures, language features and visual features of texts and the context in which texts are experienced may influence audience response (ACELT1641)

Evaluate the social, moral and ethical positions represented in texts (ACELT1812)
Examining literatureAnalyse and evaluate text structures and language features of literary texts and make relevant thematic and intertextual connections with other texts (ACELT1774)
Creating literatureCreate imaginative texts that make relevant thematic and intertextual connections with other texts (ACELT1644)
Texts in contextAnalyse and evaluate how people, cultures, places, events, objects and concepts are represented in texts, including media texts, through language, structural and/or visual choices (ACELY1749)
Interacting with othersPlan, rehearse and deliver presentations, selecting and sequencing appropriate content and multimodal elements to influence a course of action (ACELY1751)
Interpreting, analysing, evaluatingIdentify and analyse implicit or explicit values, beliefs and assumptions in texts and how these are influenced by purposes and likely audiences (ACELY1752)
Creating textsCreate sustained texts, including texts that combine specific digital or media content, for imaginative, informative, or persuasive purposes that reflect upon challenging and complex issues (ACELY1756)

Use a range of software, including word processing programs, confidently, flexibly and imaginatively to create, edit and publish texts, considering the identified purpose and the characteristics of the user (ACELY1776)

Unit 1 (English)

Investigate the relationships between language, context and meaning by:explaining how texts are created in and for different contexts (ACEEN001)

analysing how language choices are made for different purposes and in different contexts using appropriate metalanguage; for example, personification, voice-over, flashback, salience (ACEEN002)

evaluating the choice of mode and medium in shaping the response of audiences, including digital texts (ACEEN003)
Examine similarities and differences between imaginative, persuasive and interpretive texts including:explaining the ways language features, text structures and conventions communicate ideas and points of view (ACEEN004)

explaining the ways text structures, language features and stylistic choices are used in different types of texts (ACEEN005)

analysing how vocabulary, idiom and rhetoric are used for different purposes and contexts (ACEEN006)
Analyse and evaluate how responses to texts, including students’ own responses, are influenced by:purpose, taking into account that a text’s purpose is often open to debate (ACEEN008)

personal, social and cultural context (ACEEN009)
Create a range of texts:using appropriate form, content, style and tone for different purposes and audiences in real and imagined contexts (ACEEN011)

drawing on a range of technologies in, for example, research, communication and representation of ideas (ACEEN012)

combining visual, spoken and written elements where appropriate (ACEEN013)

using evidence-based argument (ACEEN014)

using strategies for planning, drafting, editing and proofreading (ACEEN016)
Reflect on their own and others’ texts by:analysing textual evidence to assess the purpose and context of texts (ACEEN018)

questioning responses to texts (ACEEN019)

investigating the impact and uses of imaginative, interpretive and persuasive texts. (ACEEN020)