Stage 1
Texts are nominated for inclusion on Reading Australia by the primary and secondary text selection committees. These committees develop a longlist of potential titles based on teacher use and curriculum needs. The committees are comprised of representatives from a range of stakeholder groups, such as:
- teachers or academics
- writers, especially children’s/YA
- First Nations Australia Writers Network (FNAWN)
- other sectors as required
Reading Australia respects and embraces diversity in all forms, and aims to assemble committees that represent diverse ethnicities, cultural identities, gender identities, sexual orientations and abilities.
Stage 2
The longlists developed by the text selection committees are shared with primary and secondary teachers for their feedback. To be suitable for teaching, titles must meet the following criteria:
- The books must be written by Australian writers and available in print or other formats.
- The books should address the needs of the Australian Curriculum or already be taught in schools.
- The books must be of high quality and appropriate for Reading Australia’s audience.
- While the books may be provocative and challenging, they should reflect Australia’s rich and diverse cultural history and present authentic literary voices.
- There should be no known objection to the authenticity of any books.
- The author (or author’s representative) must consent to inclusion on Reading Australia.
In addition:
- The resources for titles on Reading Australia are written by teachers, for teachers.
- The resources must be appropriate for primary and secondary school students.
- The resources must be culturally appropriate and, where relevant, undergo additional cultural reviews prior to publication.
- The resources may present varied and diverse opinions to articulate or provide context for issues and themes in the titles.
Other factors such as cross-curriculum priorities and diversity are also taken into consideration.
Stage 3
Final selection of titles is made by Reading Australia following feedback from Stage 2.