Ubby’s Underdogs: The Legend of the Phoenix Dragon (Book 1)
Set in the 1940s when the pearling town of Broome is recovering from World War II, The Legend of the…
Teacher ResourceTheme
Set in the 1940s when the pearling town of Broome is recovering from World War II, The Legend of the…
Teacher ResourceThe mysteries of the Dreamtime with the cultural history of the Kukatja people of the Kimberley …
Teacher ResourceSuburban Australia. Sweltering heat. Three bedroom blonde-brick. Family of five. Beat-up Ford …
Teacher ResourceReading Australia presents this Maxine Beneba Clarke podcast, with permission from The Garret …
Teacher ResourceKieran wants to be part of the cool group at school. He wants to be on the football team. He …
Teacher ResourceMad Magpie is the third book in this successful series of morality tales from award-winning author …
Teacher ResourceBlack Inc.’s bestselling Growing Up series goes to the country – Rick Morton Growing Up in…
Teacher ResourceThere's no easy way to put this, so I'll say it straight out. It's time I faced up to the truth. I'm…
Teacher Resource EssayJohn Egan lives with his mother, father and grandmother in rural Ireland. The Guinness Book of …
Teacher Resource EssayA memorable YA novel about the tough and tender sides of growing up in a small country town. …
Teacher Resource Essay