

This week the Reading Australia team brainstormed a list of our favourite books by our overseas friends then expertly matched them to books written by Australian authors. Whether you’re into romance, Young Adult, memoir, true crime, or completely made up crime – there’s a book on this list for you. So, open up Goodreads, slightly […]

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Friendship – it’s a beautiful thing. From the books listed below you’ll discover that friendships come in all shapes, sizes and genres; that brand new friends can develop into lifelong ones; that loyalty and trust are important; and that friendship with cats rule. To celebrate International Friendship Day on July 30 we’ve found five primary and five secondary […]

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The theme for this year’s National Reconciliation Week is ‘Our History, Our Story, Our Future’, reflecting the essential part storytelling plays in the journey towards reconciliation. Reading Australia supports learning about Indigenous culture through more than 20 teacher resources created for books by Indigenous writers and illustrators, or featuring Indigenous characters. As well, the Copyright […]

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Anzac Day is one of Australia’s most significant national events. On this day we remember, not just the Australian and New Zealand troops that landed in Gallipoli but, all the men and women who have fought in war on behalf of Australia. It is also a time to reflect on how society’s attitudes to war […]

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The 2017 National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA) is Friday 17 March. This annual event promotes the creation of safe and happy learning environments for students across Australia. It focuses on the importance of schools developing a trusted support network within the community that provides students with avenues to report bullying. One in four students […]

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International Women’s Day takes place every year on 8 March. It is a day for promoting the empowerment of women and recognising that gender equality has not yet been achieved. This gender disparity extends into the literary world. Women win less literary prizes than their male counterparts and their work is featured less in the […]

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Make the new Australian Children’s Laureate, Leigh Hobbs, feel welcome this Thursday by asking him your questions! Join the live-stream event this Thursday, 25 February, at 2pm (AEST) where the Reading Australia author and illustrator will be answering questions sent in by viewers. This wonderful opportunity is being hosted by ABC Splash in partnership with […]

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RA BookPros Launched


Attention all English teachers: Professional authors to visit schools With the support of Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund, the Australian Society of Authors (ASA) has launched an exciting new program, Reading Australia BookPros (RA BookPros). This program places professional authors in the classroom to conduct writing workshops and to introduce teachers to the resources of Reading […]

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Reading Australia ambassador Leigh Hobbs has been selected as the Australian Children’s Laureate for 2016/17. He is the best-selling author of 20 books including The Big Book of Old Tom, which has a Reading Australia teacher resource, and he was one of the ten authors and illustrators interviewed by Tom Tilley as part of the Reading Australia/ABC […]

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As school gears up again, it can be a challenging time of transition. From children arriving at school for the very first time, to juniors moving from lower primary to upper primary; Year 6 kids heading into high school for the first time, and seniors cartwheeling towards the final exams of their school lives. Here […]

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