Songs That Sound Like Blood
Roxy May Redding’s got music in her soul and songs in her blood. She lives in a small, hot, dusty …
Teacher ResourceRoxy May Redding’s got music in her soul and songs in her blood. She lives in a small, hot, dusty …
Teacher ResourceMaggie and her mother await the long anticipated apology to the Stolen Generations. In the crowd …
Teacher ResourceOUT OF PRINT Fang Fang was born in China, but she and her parents came to live in Australia when …
Teacher ResourceTwo couples set out to betray their partners... A lover returns from the past and a husband doesn…
EssayMaisie has always dreamed of meeting her hero, Kara Bufano, an amputee actor who plays a kick-arse …
Truth can be stranger – and more fascinating – than fiction. Anna Funder tells extraordinary…
Teacher Resource EssayStay for Dinner is a powerful story that celebrates culture and connection through food, from the …
A fictionalised account of the Stolen Generation that tells of an Aboriginal girl taken from her …
Teacher ResourceWhen Storm Boy goes walking along the beach or over the sandhills, or in the sanctuary the birds are…
Teacher ResourceStradbroke Dreamtime is a collection of 27 short stories, ideal for reading in class, from acclaimed…