

A. S. Patric is a writer and bookseller. In 2016, his novel Black Rock White City won the Miles Franklin Prize. The novel was also listed by the Australian Book Review as one of the best novels of 2015, and was Highly Commended in the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards 2016. Atlantic Black will be published in […]

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Georgia Blain, author of Births Deaths Marriages, and her mother Anne Deveson, who penned Tell Me I’m Here, have passed away within days of each other. Georgia was diagnosed with brain cancer at the end of last year and had been recording her life with illness in a column in the Saturday Paper called ‘The […]

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We are days away from finding out which author will become the 2018 winner of the Miles Franklin Literary Award! Since the Copyright Agency supports the Miles Franklin shortlist by providing each shortlisted author with a $5000 cash prize, naturally, all of our water-cooler chats are dominated by Miles Franklin speculation. The Reading Australia team are […]

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Every year we dive into the Reading Australia website analytics to figure out which books teachers have been loving. In the last twelve months, teachers have been reaching for the classics as well as exploring a few newer titles. How many of the books on this list do you use in your classrooms? The resource […]

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The AATE/ALEA National Conference organisers have kindly allowed us to share the recording for this workshop.

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New texts and Approaches to Australian literature In this workshop, English teacher participants will be introduced to new Australian texts and short stories, particularly by Indigenous and migrant writers. Presenters will offer different approaches to teaching these texts, aligning these with the Victorian Curriculum and VCE Units 1 and 2 English and Literature. Texts covered […]

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By Robyn English The ultimate aim of all teaching of literature should be to instil in children a love of stories and reading. Sadly, many students will claim that this love has been destroyed by the insistence of teachers that they ‘study’ the book. This activity is a strategy that can be used to generate and […]

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As we prepare for the new school year, we’d like to highlight a fantastic resource to help you teach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories…

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What does ‘sustainability’ mean? Sustainability refers to patterns of living that protect the Earth and shape the quality of life that the Earth is able to give. A sustainable world requires individual and collective action in both local and global communities. There are three systems in which attention to sustainability is necessary: environmental, social and economic.  Why […]

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We already know what books teachers keep reaching for, but what do students love to read? This week we are stepping aside and letting Portia Simon, a Year 10 student from Sydney, give us her book recommendations! We were delighted to have Portia spend some of her work experience week with the Reading Australia team, […]

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