Two Wolves
Get ready for a wild adventure filled with moral dilemmas and tough choices; Tristan Bancks' Two …
Teacher ResourceTheme
Get ready for a wild adventure filled with moral dilemmas and tough choices; Tristan Bancks' Two …
Teacher ResourceA fictionalised account of the Stolen Generation that tells of an Aboriginal girl taken from her …
Teacher ResourceThe Little Corroborree Frog gently introduces the serious plight of one of Australia’s most …
Teacher ResourceWinner of the Miles Franklin Award and recognised as one of the greatest works of Australian …
Teacher Resource EssayWresting his family from the easy living of nineteenth–century Sydney, Cornelius Laffey takes them…
Teacher Resource EssayWhen May's mother dies suddenly, she and her brother Billy are taken in by Aunty. However, their …
Teacher Resource EssayKieran wants to be part of the cool group at school. He wants to be on the football team. He …
Teacher ResourceA boy finds a lost 'thing' on the beach where he's scavenging for his bottle top collection. The …
Teacher Resource EssayThe internationally bestselling, iconic and multi-award-winning 128-page wordless novel about life …
Teacher Resource EssayAaron Rowe has dreams he can't explain, and memories he can't recover. But if he doesn't discover …
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