

We were blown away by all of the amazing poems we received throughout March – students experimented with form, genre, rhyming schemes, even their choice of muse (teachers, you are an inspiring bunch!). Thank you to the 550+ students who crafted such wonderful poems for us to read, and to the teachers who provided the guidance […]

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The aim of the Reading Australia initiative is to connect teachers with quality Australian literature. This month we’re highlighting one of the website’s features designed to make it easier for you to find titles and resources relevant to you and your students. Overview of the ‘search’ function You can make a simple search from the […]

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In commemoration of World Poetry Day on 21 March, we are running a poetry competition for primary and secondary students with two fabulous books to win in each category! World Poetry Day, proclaimed by UNESCO in 1999, celebrates the reading, writing and performance of poetry. How do my students enter? Challenge your students to write […]

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World Poetry Day, celebrated on 21 March every year, recognises the unique ability of poetry to capture what it means to be human. In every culture there are poets who feed the soul of their nation and advocate for the arts; today we are featuring the diversity and brilliance of our Australian poets, contemporary and […]

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Vale Andrew McGahan


Reading Australia is saddened to hear of the passing of Andrew McGahan, the Miles Franklin Literary Award-winning author of The White Earth. He was born in Dalby, Queensland, but lived and worked mostly in Brisbane. His first novel Praise (1992) was winner of The Australian/Vogel Literary Award. His second novel was the prequel 1988 (1995), and his third novel Last Drinks (2000) was […]

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We asked students to redesign the cover of any book on Reading Australia, and they rose to the challenge with enthusiasm, sending in entries that demonstrated both creativity and keen understanding of their chosen books. We selected the best five entries as our prizewinners – scroll down to see the winning entries below. Each student […]

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It’s time to get creative! We are challenging students to design a new book cover for any title on the Reading Australia website. This challenge marks our third and last round of our competition run in partnership with the Australian Library and Information Association. Students are to choose any book from the Reading Australia list and […]

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The first year of Morris Gleitzman’s two-year term as the Australian Children’s Laureate is drawing to a close, and we are commemorating the occasion with a competition! What’s the prize? One lucky school will receive a book prize pack valued at over $580! It includes all thirty-three books on this fabulous poster, celebrating the books […]

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We challenged the students of Australia to send us their best haiku inspired by a book on Reading Australia, and we received more than 900 entries! This competition was run in partnership with the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and was shared by librarians around the country. Each entry demonstrated the creativity and beauty […]

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The Copyright Agency is offering a $15,000 Reading Australia Fellowship for Teachers of English and Literacy to support an experienced teacher in undertaking professional skills development. This is an exciting career-enhancing opportunity to expand your skills and knowledge through a research project, which may be undertaken overseas. The deadline for applications is 1pm EST on […]

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